Last week we had our first snowstorm here in the Montreal area.   We got up in the morning and the whole garden and streets were white and it looked really nice.  In the meantime the snow has already melted again and we have lots of rain.

However, I did take pictures of this day when everything was white and it looked really nice.


my little angel in the garden


another little angel walking towards the house


one of the streets in the neighborhood


Tina looks surprised


looking from the inside out


Time to bring out the Christmas decorations


Tina is pleased to be back inside in a warm house, sitting on her favorite sofa.


Another angel getting ready for Christmas

10 thoughts on “THE FIRST SNOWSTORM

  1. The first snowfall is lovely when the trees are dusted in white. Your decorations are beautiful, especially the garden Angel and the greenery. Tina does look surprised by the snow 🎄 She is so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, the first snowfall looks very nice. It is only when winter drags on and we get ice rain and roads dusted with salt and sand that it does not look so good anymore. Sometimes we have snow walls which are 6 foot high. Yes, my little Tina is a sweet dog.


  3. Gell die Bilder sind heimelig. Bald kommen die Weihnachtsbilder an denen ich schon arbeite.
    Das ist ja die schönste Jahreszeit VOR Weihnachten. Danach kommt der lange harte Winter.
    Freue mich schon auf Bilder von Deinem Weihnachten. Elferl


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